Monday, the Minister of Higher Education announced the result of the coordination of students in the second stage


Books – Hani Nukrashi and Ahmed Kbadab

Published on:
Sunday, July 29, 2018 – 13h12
| Last update:
Sunday, July 29, 2018 – 13h12

The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Khaled Abdul Ghaffar, held a press conference to announce the result of the coordination of the second stage of the public high school at 15:30 Monday at the headquarters of the ministry. 78.05% for the scientific division, 285 degrees and over by 69.51% for the students of the literary division, with a total of 197923 students in the scientific and literary fields.

The Minister of Higher Education announces the minimum level of admission And delayed for registration The latest indicators before the announcement of the results of the second phase of coordination indicated that the minimum admissions of the remaining seven veterinary colleges to 392 degrees were reduced by 95.6% For the remaining engineering colleges for students at this stage, the number of engineering schools is 13 , 1%, at 382 degrees, and the minimum acceptance rate in town colleges is 92.9% at a rate of 381 degrees. ] And stopped the minimum for Kelly The Faculty of Computer and Information Schools has absorbed about 4,000 students with a minimum of 90% and over.

In a related context, Sunday, coordination of university students for the first tranche set by the ministry, The second tranche will be launched on August 9, 1965.

The minimum level of progress in private universities for Egyptian students is the following: 95% of human medicine, 90% of dental faculties Pharmacy and physiotherapy, 80% of engineering and 70% of faculties of applied arts and sciences 70% of total "computer science, biotechnology", 60% of faculties of "Economics and Politics, Administration", 62% of faculties "Languages ​​and Translation, Media" and 55% of other faculties

. The student must submit a certified and documented copy of the documents and certificates obtained upon application to the university at which he wishes to attend.Here is a receipt from the main coordinating office indicating the receipt of certificates and documents .

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