More than 18,000 official employees. A new thrust rejected by Erdogan


The official newspaper in Turkey issued a decree banning more than 18,000 official employees, most of them security, the army, professors, and university professors.

The decree cites 18632 people of whom more than 9,000 police and 6,000 personnel Among the armed forces, about 1,000 employees of the Ministry of Justice and 650 others of the Ministry of Education were sacked.

The media has presented this decree as the last under the state of emergency decreed after the failed coup in July 2016, The Turkish Media, that the state of Emergency will be lifted on Monday after the performance of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, a

The lifting of the state of emergency was one of the promises of his campaign.

12 institutions, three newspapers and a television channel were closed by Sunday's decree, stating that 148 people were fired in previous decrees and returned to work in the public sector

According to Human Rights Joint, 112,679 people were fired on March 20, 2018, including more than 8,000 members of the armed forces and about 33,000 employees in the Ministry of Education. 31,000 from the Ministry of the Interior, of which 22,600 employees from the General Directorate of Security, and the suspension of the tasks of thousands of others.

These campaigns are seen as an attempt to silence all critics

The new presidential system will come into force Monday, a presidential system under a constitutional amendment adopted after a referendum in April 2017. As as prime minister, and to place all branches of the executive in the hands of the president, who will have the power to promulgate presidential decrees.

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