Moroccans demand the safety of the UN envoy to Yemen after a siege of several hours


The World – Yemen

The incident of the suspension of the UN envoy for hours at the international airport of Sanaa has caused a wave of violence. interaction on local and international social media.

Al-Houthi said in his tweet that the US-Saudi aggression today put an end to the UN envoy to the Sanaa International Airport during hours, which required an answer.

"The American aggression has been halted". The Saudi and his allies today Griffith sent for hours within his plane to Sana'a airport, as he did with the representatives of the dialogue in Djibouti in a letter that he said. aggression has not yet conferred on him the right of movement, to shake the confidence of the people, that he did not dare even with the birth of the sheikh. Who held the emissary for an hour only to deal with it and to the Yemeni people thousands of reactions, why the silence of nations and sympathizers of peace on this illegal behavior shows that the direction of the aggression American and allies of his allies fail his mission

. Peace In Yemen and the President of the Security Council, who welcomed the welcome of the dialogue, a statement of position of this act as the least position to strengthen the envoy and the confidence of the Yemeni people so as not to repeat with deeds of delegation as it happened earlier or today. Aggression The UN envoy stopped for several hours with his plane at the Sanaa airport. You can imagine if the rescue government was the one who made such an overtaking. "A major military and political defeat for Saudi Arabia and the UAE is Yemen

At the same time, Yemen's deputy minister of information Hashim Ahmad Sharaf al- Din said Hashim Ahmad Sharaf al-Din, re-Taghrid Mohamed Ali al-Houthi, "the arrogance of the countries of the alliance aggression affects the international organization." The reason for the silence United Nations so far because of the alliance of aggression to prevent the plane of the UN envoy from traveling for several hours without justification, and added, will we find ridiculous statements to officials as justifications the removal of his plane from the atmosphere of Sana?] For its part, said the Yemeni media Abdul-Motif admires "scandal" The suspension of the international envoy or the bombing of defenseless civilians will only win the weakness of the international community, which has become aware of the real goals of the war, "said the Bahraini political activist . The campaign of aggression against Ansarullah

continues and condemns the behavior of the coalition of aggression on the suspension of the UN envoy to demand of the Secretary-General the United Nations a clear position on the headquarters of the countries of the Alliance of aggression at the airport of Sanaa. [ad_2]
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