Mother's pregnancy protects her from risk of Alzheimer's disease


Screening News: A recent American study reported that a mother's pregnancy could protect her from the risk of Alzheimer's disease and dementia

The study was conducted by researchers from the University of California and presented his findings Tuesday at the Alzheimer's Conference. The researchers examined the status of 133 elderly women and collected information on the history of reproduction and the severity of dementia to badess the possible relationship between gestational history and Alzheimer's disease. .

These women continued to be at risk for dementia injury after adjusting for additional medium and late risk factors, such as BMI and stroke history.

Researchers found that women with 3 or more children had a 12 percent lower risk of dementia for women with one or more children.

For this reason, the researchers hypothesized that the beneficial effects on the immune system during the early stages of pregnancy, particularly during the first trimester of pregnancy, may be responsible for the reduction of risk of dementia.

The leader of the research team: "We are amazed at the possibility that pregnancy is reorganizing the mother in a way that can protect her from the development of Alzheimer's disease later in life. "

Dementia is a very serious condition of the brain affected by aging, a group of diseases that cause haemorrhages in the brain.

The disease is progressively moving towards the loss of ability to do daily work and communicate with the ocean, and the disease can deteriorate to the point of no longer functioning properly.

According to the World Health Organization, the number of people reached in 2015, reached 47.5 million, and rose rapidly with the increase in the average age of Colombia -British

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