"MPs Health": the decision of the Minister is not political .. Patriotism is the struggle for the citizen


Ahmed al-Issawi

Published on:
Friday, July 13, 2018 – 2:28 pm
| Last update:
Friday, July 13, 2018 – 2:28 pm

Dr. Ayman Abul-Ela, Under-Secretary of the Health Committee of the House of Representatives, said that he believes that Dr. Hala Zayed, Minister of Health, is well-intentioned to publish the 39 national anthem and direct daily "The minister must be a politician, and some of them are in the government," he said. At the beginning of his term, his political experience is a little narrow in the choice of his candidates "He pointed out that he does not personally accept this decision, because Republican peace has a peculiarity that can not be the center of incidents or changes of the Nabataeans, while in our very existence it is essentially: "patriotism, He pointed out the existence of good statements to" Zayed ", refers to the thought and l & # 39; Activity and struggle in system reform and good knowledge of its problems, but they were not right to make this decision, Is a bit sensitive, and Parliament is currently busy discussing the statement of the new government, and can not submit a motion

Dr. Hala Zayed, Minister of Health and Population, issued a decree Tuesday that was broadcast in all hospitals of the republic, with Republican radio from the p aix, monitored daily by the Department of Physicians. 19659008] (function (d, s, id) {
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