Murtada Mansour: The statement of Shikabala "lied" … and turned to the investigation


Murtaza Mansour, president of the Zamalek club, described the statement by Mahmoud Abdel Razek Shikabala as untruthful, pointing out that a hearing was scheduled for Thursday, July 26 at 1 pm in front of the director of legal affairs.

Mortada Mansour said that the statement issued by him is nothing but misleading Zamalek fans.

Mansour added to Zamalek's official website: "I say that Shikabala's statement will not relieve you of your rebellion will not deceive you and if you threaten FIFA we have a complete record of Baouk Saudi Arabia for the United Arab Emirates United to escape the camp of Germany to accuse you of a respected people and bring you back to sports life was the shortage of literature and lies and defamation and we are with you for the last rebel trip. an answer from the respectful and full of lies and sins and will be punished for every letter that it contains. "

Shikabala issued a statement saying that he was playing Zamalek for 1,000 pounds and denied what Prince Murtada Mansour, the general supervisor of the club, said he had organized more than one meeting to meet the club president and did not participate. [ad_2]
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