NASA explodes the first spaceship in history reaches the sun


The US space agency NASA launched a surprise attack on Friday, announcing the launch of the first space flight in history to explore the sun. "We decided to launch the first spacecraft for the sun, called Krona, in August," said CNN quoting John Hopkins, a physicist from the Johns Hopkins laboratory, at a press conference Friday.

"The launch of the rocket that will carry the vehicle will be completed on August 6 and closed on the 19th of the same month, with the launch of the Earth rocket at 6, and six weeks later the vehicle will orbit Venus for the first time times in the history of humanity. "He said.

This is a historical achievement in astronomy and space, although this trip will be limited to space ships and not humans, but the space shuttle will get too close to the sun's atmosphere, and will be covered anti-temperature carbon fiber of the big star Glowing.

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