Nawaz Sharif and his daughter were arrested on their return to Pakistan


Former Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and his daughter Mariam were arrested Friday after returning to Lahore from London via Abu Dhabi to serve a prison sentence in absentia

Al Jazeera quoted an official of security. And his daughter as soon as they get off the plane, in preparation for their transfer to the capital Islamabad

The Associated Press reported that they would be jailed in Rawalpindi near the airport. Islamabad to serve their sentence, and are supposed to bring their lawyers to justice and request their release on bail. Security sources said that the elements of the accountant's office A former court sentenced the former prime minister and his daughter before being transported by helicopter to the city of Rawalpindi.

A court last week sentenced Nawaz Sharif to ten years in prison and his daughter Mariam to seven years in prison. Three accusations of financial corruption against Sharif and members of his family Some accusations relate to the homestead in London

Supporters of the party of the League en route to the airport of Lahore [1965]

Crowds and arrests
Abu Dhabi, Pakistani security forces have deployed several thousand of its elements in the city of Lahore arrested some supporters of the Muslim League (Nawaz Sharif).

Despite strict security measures, rallied about ten thousand supporters of the Association in the city, according to the Associated Press. The PKK said hundreds of its members had been arrested while they were going to the airport or had been driven out.

The return of the former prime minister precedes the parliamentary elections scheduled this month. Observers said his return at this time could increase his party's chances for the equity move led by former cricketer Imran Khan.

Sharif left Pakistan for London to sue his wife with cancer. "

On the day of last week's absence, Sharif said he would leave London, where he has been staying temporarily since 2017." I will not be the slave of those who violate their oath and the constitution of Pakistan. "Imprisonment."

A year ago, the Supreme Court issued a decision A Pakistani decision that ended the warrant Nawaz Sharif and prevented him from baduming any political responsibility on the charge of participation in corruption cases, which Sharif strongly denies.

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