Nelly Karim draws attention in her last shooting session


  Watch ... Nelly Karim draws attention during the last photo shoot
Witness … Nelly Karim attracts attention during the last photo shoot

Witness … Nelly Karim attracts attention during the last photo shoot of his newspaper Akhbarna quoted by Sabah Nelly Karim draws attention in the last shooting session, see .. Nelly Karim attracts attention during the last Photo shoot, we send you our visitors News News Today through our newspaper diary and start with the most important news, see ..

The Egyptian star of the newspaper Akhbarna Nelly Karim has attracted the & Kar 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 attention to a special photo shoot for Dar Jewelry, won the public's admiration.

Nelly Karim posted a photo of the session through her official pages on social networking sites, and tens of thousands of signs of admiration.

Nelly Karim participated in the Ramadan race this year in the series "Disappearance" which revolves around a Russian university doctor who lives with her husband, who suddenly disappears and starts looking for him and discovers dangerous things that she did not know. .

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Source: Arab Morning