New eye drops to treat blindness associated with aging


A team of British scientists developed eye drops that could represent a revolution in the treatment of macular degeneration badociated with aging (AMD) the leading cause of blindness in the world . (AMD) Currently, by injection of eye drugs, which should be administered by specialists, it is estimated that in 2020, about 200 million people will suffer from macular degeneration badociated with aging Around of the world

However, British scientists at the University of "Birmingham" British alternative treatment in the form of a drop (AMD) between rabbits and pigs .

The new study has shown that ophthalmic drops developed can provide a therapeutically therapeutic retina. "For several years, our team has focused on the challenge of delivering drugs to the back of the eye," said Dr. Felicity de Kogan, a biochemist at the university. We found that administering eye drop medications meant patients could manage. "It will cost less, save time for patients and health care providers, and reduce the complications that can result from injections.

The developed peptide that enters the cells to deliver the drug to the retina. From the eye, and clinical trials should begin on humans as early as 2019 .

Dr. Robert Scott, a professor at the University of Birmingham, said that "permeable" cell peptides will drive the next generation of treatments for people. Who suffer from degenerative degeneration badociated with aging (AMD) .



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