New seasons for "Seven Neighbors", "The Great House" and "Afrah Iblis"


The scenes of Exodus

have become a refuge and an outlet for artists, other seasons open to present dramatic works outside the Ramadan season which, a few years ago, was the only dramatic season. From 60 or 45 episodes, the series is divided into several seasons, pushing the idea of ​​the show during other seasons, especially with the link of the spectators, although some of them rely on the championship collective and new faces to open the door to new pieces. Serials rise and the second season of the series "Father Spirit 2".

The family of the third part of the series "Afrah Iblis" to begin in the

Writer and writer Magdy Saber explains that he is currently preparing to finish the writing of the third part of "Afrah Iblis", leaving only half of his writing, and added remarks For "Al-Masry Al-Youm" as the second part of the work, which will be presented soon, during which the expansion of the "drapery" in it, and that's what he noted that he added many characters and heroes to 60 episodes, and that it took a big effort to provide all the dramas of the work, especially that there are major characters who will have an extension in the new parts, including Dora Abert Amer, Ahmed Said Abdelghani

Saber adds that the Effort is to create new characters that work, emphasizing that he loves the drama based on a multi-conflict between characters and new issues that speak of the current level, which are completely different.

"Afrah Iblis" with Jamal Sal Yaman and Abla Kamel and Rahim Abdul Ghafour, led by Ahmed Khaled Amin, Saber said that he was also discussing in his new season one of the most important issues, infiltration of the thought of some young people in Upper Egypt, and this after the arrest of terrorist cells.

And to resume in a few days the shooting of the second part of the series "Father Spirit", and explained to the artist Ahmed Abdulaziz, that when the first part was presented, the reactions were good, whether through the mbad interview or the official page of the series on "social media", add "He said that he has other artistic projects, but waits that" he finished finishing the shooting of the rest of the scenes of "father
After the success of the first and second seasons, the family of the seventh series is preparing to resume the third part in the coming days, which testifies to a new extension of the roles that affected both parties, to offer a new period in the lives of the characters, And the life problems of the heroes, including Dalal Abdulaziz, Sherin and Hedy Karam 4] On the other hand, the family of the second part of the series "Big H ouse "with Ahmed Badir and Lusi and Susan Badr and Munther Rihanna to resume mid-September, which is currently stopped to complete the remaining 30 episodes, and the author of the book, Ahmed Sobhi, The first 30 Episodes will be written, and half of them will be left for the second season, which will be completed by the end of August.

Sobhy added to Al-Masry Al-Youm that he added other lines to the work, and the main characters will be present, opening additional dramatic lines, because of the success of the first part , Stressing that in the next phase of the work addresses social issues affecting the community and the conflict will continue to exist between the two families, and new children in the second part.

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