New update for Google Drive targeting Microsoft Office users


  New Google Drive update targeting Microsoft Office users
New Google Drive update targeting Microsoft Office users

New Google Drive update targeting Microsoft Office users in the 7th day. Microsoft Office is a new Google Drive update for Microsoft Office users We're posting our news on our chart and starting with the latest news, a new Google Drive update for Microsoft Office users. From Drive, users will be able to download and view pbadword protected Microsoft Office files. , Which would not have been possible before, and users will be able to share these documents with their colleagues via Drive, so that the user is not limited to operating in a single ecosystem proposed by Google or Microsoft.Google also added some bugfixes and performance improvements

It's not common for two competing companies, such as Microsoft and Google, to provide consumers with such features, so this update is very marked.

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A new update of Google Drive targeting Microsoft Office users, follow us on our social networking sites to get new information.

Source: Seventh Day

  Saleh Al Manhali