News 24 Study: Weight gain changes the structure of young hearts


  Weight Gain A recent British study warned that overweight in young people can change the heart's structure at worst, leading to hypertension, and later to hypertrophy of the heart.

Study conducted by researchers at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Bristol, UK, and published their findings on Monday in the Journal of the American Heart Association.

The researchers explained that previous studies related weight gain, in the cause of this relationship.

The researchers monitored this relationship using three different types of substitution The researchers used data from thousands of children and young adults aged between 17 and 21 years to study the increase in the number of children. Body Mbad Index (BMI), which examines the relationship between length and body weight, lipids and cardiovascular differences. The researchers found that the increase in body mbad index was badociated with an increased risk of hypertension, left ventricular hypertrophy and altered heart structure of young people , thereby increasing the risk of developing heart disease at the age of

Dr. Katlyn Wade, Team Leader, said "Our results support efforts to reduce the body mbad index in a natural and hygienic range to prevent heart disease later in life. "

"The thickness of vessel walls is the first sign of arteriosclerosis, a disease in which fat plaques accumulate in the arteries and lead to heart disease, and our results indicate that the increase in body mbad index causes changes in the structure of young hearts, leading to hardening of the arteries. "

At an early age, they are at risk for memory rate and poor intelligence, and p

According to the CDC, the incidence of obesity in children is a major concern for public health in the United States, affecting about 17 percent of children and adolescents (aged 2 to 19), which puts them at increased risk of developing chronic diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

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