Not to be affected psychologically .. A patient with a high state may aggravate with psychological pressure


"There were many theories about the causes of vitiligo, and it has been shown that the cause of the disease is that the immune system produces antibodies against pigmented cells causing spots that cause white spots."

He pointed out that the psychological state of human health, affected by both the negative and the positive, according to their weakness and strength, noting that some are affected by poor mental status, which may cause the spread of vitiligo.

He confirmed that vitiligo is not a disease He pointed out that he had conducted a scientific research 10 years ago at the National Research Center, where he got an immunosuppressive drug that repairs the defect of the immune system, responsible for the attack of pigment cells, which helps cure the disease.

He stressed that the treatment of laser vitiligo is not only an attempt, but that it can not be confirmed as a method of treatment, pointing out that the psychological situation promotes the spread of the disease in the body. [ad_2]
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