Occupation closes the red Khan with cubes of cement and prevents the arrival of a consul from the region


Israeli occupying forces on Wednesday closed the entrance of the Red Al Khan Mosque in East Jerusalem with cement blocks and prevented the arrival of several accredited consuls in the city. State of Palestine.

Walid Assaf Some consuls were able to reach the sit-in tent in the Red Khan, and others were prevented from reaching the village of Khan, in addition to preventing protesters and citizens to reach the central tent.

The sit-ins and activists are with Aha

Asaf added: "Since the beginning of the morning, Israeli soldiers have surrounded the school's inhabitants, threatened with demolition, preventing their release and their access to the main street, in addition to holding other demonstrators in Al-Khan

The High Court of Justice allowed the occupying state to commit a war crime in the Red Khan and decided that " the State has the right to demolish the houses of the Red Khan and expel them from their homes. "

Israeli bulldozers began to make a road connecting the street

Thursday evening, the lawyers of the Committee of Resistance to Colonies and Colonies (ICA) have successfully issued a decision by the Israeli Supreme Court to freeze the demolition orders at the Red Khan Mosque.

Residents of the Red Khan descended from the Negev desert and lived in Jerusalem in 1953 after being forcibly displaced by the occupation.The Khan lacks basic services such as electricity, water, communication networks,

This Bedouin area is surrounded by several Israeli settlements, located in the territories targeted by the occupation authorities to implement its settlement project "19459004 E1 ", which aims to seize 12,000 dunums, from the lands of East Jerusalem to the Dead Sea, in order to clear the area of ​​any Palestinian presence, as part of the project to separate the southern West Bank from the center

The Palestinian Prisoners Club declared that the Israeli occupying forces were arresting, On Wednesday, 19 citizens of West Bank, including a lecturer in a mosque

The Prisoner Club reports that 9 citizens were arrested from the city of Beit Ummar in the governorate of Hebron.

Three citizens, including the editor and professor at An-Najah Ghbadan Toukan National University, were arrested and three citizens of Jenin governorate, in addition to seven other detainees from Qalqiliya, Ramallah and Al governorates -Bireh.

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