Official results confirm victory of overwhelming "leftists" in Almksi elections … Masrawy


Official results confirm victory of overwhelming "leftists" in Mexico elections


Monday, 2nd of July 2018

Mexico City –

First official results showed that populist leftist candidate Andres Manuel López Obrador won a landslide victory in the Mexican presidential election with 53.6% of the vote

. Lopez Obrador won on the basis of polling station expectations Sunday, but official results were only announced on Monday.

Conservative candidate Ricardo Anaya of the center was 22.6%, while Jose Antonio Meade of the Institutional Revolutionary Party What belongs to incumbent President Enrique Pena Neto on 15.6 b

The Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), which dominated Mexican politics in the 20th century, suffered its worst defeat in the presidential election. Voters have reportedly punished the party for a series of corruption scandals, high crime rates and slowing economic growth.

The PRI also lost support for congressional elections at the same time as the presidential election.

The former mayor of Mexico City, 64, became the country's most left-wing leader, while other countries in the region such as Chile, Argentina, and Brazil adopted a conservative approach.

Mexico had leftist leaders like Lazaro Cardenas (1934-1940) But Lopez Obrador will be the president who does He has the greatest left orientation in the modern history of the country.

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