Officially .. Cancellation of Super Saudi Arabia


  Officially .. Annihilation of the Egyptian Super Egyptian
Officially .. Annulment of the Egyptian Super Saudi

Officially .. Annulment of the Egyptian Super Charter Saudi citing Sport 360 We officially publish ..

Charter Usually, when the name of Coulibaly is heard by the Egyptian public, fans of Zamalek, the star of the 1990s and the beginning of the millennium, remember Ismail or "" said Coulibaly, the financial star who has made a remarkable performance in the White Jersey scored a lot of goals with the team, and helped Ptolgah to move to Europe, while fans remember the Ahli striker who played a little time, then fled and left the club, in an unexpected move Soleimani Coulibaly.

Al-Ahli officially signed yesterday with international defender Salif Coulibaly, who defended the colors of the Congolese Mazembe last season and even won the African Champions League title under the leadership of the current coach Patrice Cartier.

Coulibaly is a name badociated with Egyptian football, but not much: the Egyptian stadiums did not know this name, except in the case of the former Zamalek player who later moved to Freiburg Germany. Sporting Lisbon and Portugal in Barcelona, ​​compensated with foreign players did not shine, and their presence was weak, for example Uchiri Nigerian and his citizen Oscar and other stars before Coulibaly and some compensation from his predecessor Emanuel years.

Ivorian Sulaimani Coulibaly quickly climbed the rocket with Al Ahli and presented impressive levels after the club signed it at the request of coach Hossam Al-Badri at the # 39; era. A legal dispute against Ahli, before the club gets his FIFA right against his fugitive player.

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Source: Sport 360

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