Omega 3 supplements do not protect against the risk of heart disease


Research: Omega 3 Supplements Do Not Protect Against the Risks of Heart Disease The Charter, citing Al-Masry Al-Youm, published this article: Omega 3 Supplements Do Not Protect Against the risk of heart disease.

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An Analytical Study Reveals an Analytical Study of "Omega 3" Supplements The new Omega-3 fatty acids, in the form of dietary supplements, have little 39 Benefits to Protect Against Heart Disease, Long After We Know, That Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Researchers from the Cochrane Center of the University of East Anglia, UK United, conducted trials on 112,059 patients participating in 79 randomized trials and found no evidence that acids prevent heart disease. The significance of omega-3 fatty acids is one in a thousand.

and confirmed that the effect of supplements containing omega-3 was little or no for the risk of death
or exposure to a heart attack or angina pectoris.

The study included dietary supplements containing omega-3 fatty acids, not omega-3 fatty acids obtained by humans, which experts say are good for the heart and for the overall health of the body, according to a Reuters report. The study found that researchers found benefits in taking omega-3 supplements because they reduce triglyceride levels, but they reduce beneficial cholesterol levels. "The study provides new evidence that the effect of omega-3 supplementation is limited, does not benefit heart health, or reduces the risk of stroke or death," Lee said. Huber, a nutritionist at Norwich College of Medicine at the University of East Anglia. For some reason, we do not see any preventative results from the use of these fats.

Professor Tom Sanders, a nutritionist at King's College College London, explains that current nutrition recommendations for the prevention of heart disease encourage the consumption of fish and not dietary supplements containing fish oils. Dietary advice should be changed. Professor Tim Chico, a cardiologist at the University of Sheffield in England, noted that in the past, the National Health Authority of Britain gave people with heart attacks those supplements containing fish oil but this has been stuck for years. Loaded with the hope that it reduces the risk of heart disease, spend his money to buy vegetables as an alternative.

Omega-3 fats can not be manufactured by the human body, but are found in vegetable oils, nuts, seeds and fish. The British National Health Service recommends that citizens consume two servings of fish per week.

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Source: المصرى اليوم