On the anniversary of his departure .. Know the other face of the director Mohammed Khan … Masrawy


Bihaa Hijazi:

The anniversary of the departure of the director Mohammed Khan, who pbaded away on July 26, 2016, is now over, having made films that are part of the Egyptian cinema's signs, including the "Journées de Sadat "President Anwar Sadat, and the film" The Return of a Citizen ", in which he talks about the situation of a citizen returned to his native country, did not find him.

Who forgets the movie "The Customer" and the timeless phrase "We lived with him throughout the film, Khan, who directed about 30 films, documented the life of the homeland and the citizen and presented his own vision from Egypt, that he likes,

actor Khan, the small roles and lightness

Mohammed Khan, actor in several movies, may not have much noticed Khan, but the one of the biggest actors thought, was the beginning of the movie "Blackjack" 70 ", in which he played the role of Monet Adel with his friend, director and author Khairi Bishara, and his companion Ahmed Zaki, the role was small.

Blackjack 70

Adel Imam in Lover's film "One by One", Come Back, this time presented the role of a friend of Adel Imam of Salah Fouad, the scene was short of his appearance on the 1965952]

King and the Writing

Khan stopped acting for a long time in 2006 with the movie "King and Writing" with Mahmoud Hamida and Hind Sabri, (19659002) Bebo and Bashir

This time Muhammad Khan did not play the role of director, he played the role of director, and he played the role of director in two short scenes. Mohammed Khan is a small role, he is the father of the lovable Minha Shalabi "Bebo", and the double duet with the artist Salwa Mohammed Ali.

The Movie Bebo and Bashir

Turbulence Background Before the revolution of January 25, 2011, he presented the stories of six pairs of different stages expressing ambition, happiness and disappointments. A traveling salesman linked these social situations to the peak of his optimism about the future of Egypt.

"Adel", and he won a big public success at the Doha Tribeca Film Festival, while earning only 19,000 pounds at the box office.

The Maine Empire

This time in the Maine Empire, with author Ghada Abdel-Aal and Hind Sabri artist, Mohammed Khan appeared as a guest of honor. # 39; honor of the series,

Blash Teposny

The last appearance of Khan as an actor was through the movie "Blas Teposni", an appearance that he did not see himself, he died before the movie, and back Khan in the movie in turn.

Announcement of the movie Blas Teposny

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