On the day of his birthday, Ghada Abdel Razek raises the slogan "The darkness suits you"


She played quickly through many works that she presented to the audience: Maryam in the series The First Lady, Mashira in the Nightmare, the host Salma in the series Earth Jo, and Nada in Against Anonymous, she is the artist Ghada Abdel Razek, who is celebrating her birthday today, and because she is one of the most fervent women to choose her clothes with care, and we offer a tour of her clothes at different stages of her artistic life

The color black is the color that overshadowed her appearance, as she preferred to choose it on several occasions and parties, and on the A cloud of light. appearance of different colors, but the majority comes from the black color, and reviews a collection of black dresses that glorified the artist Ghada Abdel Razek.

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Once, actress Ghada Abdel Razek played in this soft chiffon black dress, embroidered with silver at the waist and neck, adding a beautiful feminine touch.

<img alt = "2" src = " https://img.youm7.com/ArticleImgs/2018/7/6/68485-2.jpg "style =" height: 670px; width: 550px; "

Dress" One Schulder "in black with a narrow story at the waist.

<img alt =" 3 "src =" https://img.youm7.com/ArticleImgs/2018/7/6/ 46615

A short black dress decorated with silver in length and was like a star in the sky the brightness of that look that was added by the feminine.

<img alt = "5" src = "[1969002] Ghada Abdel Razek appeared in this dress at a party and although it contains On certain parts of the body" Si Thru ", but added to a slender and calm touch, just as they chose to appear with light makeup and lifted her hair in the form of a cake.

<img alt = "6" src = "https: // i mg.youm7.com/ArticleImgs/2018/7/6/560359-6.png" style = "height: 621px;

Ghada Abdel Razek wore her long and short dresses, but she kept her choice of black color.She appeared in a short dress with long sleeves and a top of the chest and a silver sleeve to an occasion. Call attention to the beauty of its design.

<img alt = "8" src = "https://img.youm7.com/ArticleImgs/2018/7/6/41362-8.jpg" style = "Height: 354px Width: 550px;" [19659002] Ghada Abdel Razek appeared with a long sleeved dress and a high collar, but the trick was to open the back of the "Backless" at a conference supporting the film industry in the world. one of the big hotels, triggering a wide debate among the guests. 19659003] 9 "src =" https://img.youm7.com/ArticleImgs/2018/7/6/38553-9.jpg "style =" height: 528px;

In a black dress in satin fabric, Ghada chose her appearance during the ceremony and took advantage of a long earring until the chest to add an aesthetic touch to the dress.

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In one of the filming sessions, a black dress was embellished and the dress was long and added a touch to it, wearing a large necklace, between different colors dominated by copper

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