"Oriental Bakery" pays 30,000 loaves of bread a day in the village of Sanafin after complaints from citizens


"Oriental Bakeries" pay 30,000 loaves a day in the village of Sanafin after complaints citizens

"Oriental Bakery" pay 30,000 loaves a day in the village After the complaints of the citizens of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, quoting the Ona news agency we are publishing, "Oriental Bakeries" pay 30,000 loaves a day in the village of Sanafin after citizen complaints, "Oriental Bakeries" pay 30,000 loaves a day to citizens' village Visit our news site and start with the news The most important, "Oriental Bakeries" has paid 30,000 loaves of bread a day in the village of Sanafin after complaints from citizens.

Kingdom News Jul 5, 2018 | 16:36

The bakery project in Sharkia province paid 30,000 loaves of bread a day to solve the shortage crisis in the wheat village of Alnasafin Minya. For his part, General Alaa Faraj Sharawi, general manager of the province's bakery project, said Sharqiyah Governor General Adel al-Habbat had ordered one of them to pay. 30,000 loaves of bread a day. In the province where the wand is characterized by high quality and standard specifications and are sold through smart cards from the Department of Supply. He added that the bakery project is ready to fill the deficit due to emergency conditions in all the villages of the province where the distribution starts from the fifth hour until 19 hours under the supervision and the supervision of all concerned bodies.


The bakery project in Sharkia province paid 30,000 loaves of bread a day to solve the shortage crisis in the wheat village of Alnasafin Minya. For his part, General Alaa Faraj Sharawi, general manager of the province's bakery project, said Sharqiyah Governor General Adel al-Habbat had ordered one of them to pay. 30,000 loaves of bread a day. In the province where the wand is characterized by high quality and standard specifications and are sold through smart cards from the Department of Supply. He added that the bakery project is ready to fill the deficit due to emergency conditions in all the villages of the province where the distribution starts from the fifth hour until 19 hours under the supervision and the supervision of all concerned bodies.


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