Palestinian News Agency – Occupation completely closes the Abu Salem passage and reduces the fishing area


The Israeli occupation authorities were informed of the closure of the only commercial crossing between the Gaza Strip and the outside world until further notice and the reduction of the fishing zone from 6 to 3 nautical miles. Raed Fattouh told the Safa correspondent that the Israeli occupation authorities informed them today of their decision to close the crossing completely until further notice.

Fattouh said that the occupation authorities also informed them that he allowed the introduction of drugs into the area. "The only publicity for the residents of the Gaza Strip who live in very difficult economic conditions is the pursuit of hoes

This decision comes a week after the Israeli government decided to reduce the delivery of goods to the Gaza Strip. Gaza and to prevent exports, believing that this was due to the fact that incendiary bullets continued to move towards the Gaza Strip.

Activists of the return marches in the Gaza Strip invented the method of firing kites and flaming balloons at settlements and occupation farms in the Gaza envelope, taking advantage of wind movement, causing heavy losses of thousands of dunams Laser system

Israeli army spokesman threatened to strengthen sanctions against the Gaza Strip if incendiary means continued to fire on the cover and that his army saw Hamas com me responsible for everything that was going on in Gaza and that the army will continue to maintain Israeli security interests if necessary.

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