Photo Amir Karara as "the coast of Forma"


Artist Amir Karara posted a photo of him through his personal account on the famous InStagram photo and video exchange site while vacationing in a tourist town, where he enjoyed his hobbies on the sea.

Karara comments on the photo: "Yala Pena Faramah (19659002) The latest film by Emir Karara, in the movie" War of Karamouz ", currently presented at the cinema, has achieved the highest figure in the world. 39, affairs of the season.

The events revolve around The Egyptian policeman Yusuf al-Masri lives in the Karmoz district of Alexandria, the film dates back to the reign of King Farouk before Tho from 1952 to the time of the British occupation of Egypt, and the Egyptian Youssef function enters fights and tries to avenge the girl after being raped.

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