Photos – Meet the Lebanese beauty who denied her relationship with Tamer Hosni


Lebanese tattoo expert Amani Shahrour continues to make stories on social networking sites after being accused of having links with Egyptian actor Tamer Hosni and her insistence on completely denying l & # 39; history.
And emphasized that all that has been published about his relationship with Hosni and his betrayal of his wife Basma Bousil with his shame on health, and fabrication, rumor and rumors, in the words of Shahrour
Tadawulah confirmed that "the subject Klu I am one of the most admirers of Naj Tamer Hosny, the Bina Sadda family, Rahm Kun, the new song" You are Maaya "I apologize wholeheartedly to my beautiful lover Basma Bousil who supported me with the work of Hida and the high star Tamer Hosni to introduce me to all his big fans. "Unfortunately, this is a Lebanese place."
This error comes after Moroccan fashion designer Basma Boussil published a tale of betrayal, followed by a video clip of Elie Bbadil, which confirmed the betrayal, but excused quickly from Hosni .fbAsyncInit = function () {
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