Photos .. President of Sohag University inspecting coordination factories in the former campus


Dr. Ahmed Aziz, President of Sohag University, inspected today the admission of the universities to the students of the first stage graduates of the Faculty of Commerce on the ground floor and the development project student badessment systems at the Faculty of Medicine. 80 computers

During the visit, Aziz called the coordinators of the university to meet the needs of students during the coordination phase, to enter the campus until the end of the coordination process and print the wishes of the student. First phase of coordination Universities this year and lasts for five days until Friday, July 20 with a minimum of 96.1 Science Division, 93.9% Sport Science Division and 80% Literary Division.

  President of Sohag University inspecting co-ordination coefficient (1) "src =" President-University -Sohag-inspection-coefficient-coordination- (19659006) </p>
<div clbad=   The President of Sohag University inspecting the coordination factor (2) "src =" https: (2) "President of the University of Sohag inspecting the co-ordination coefficient (2) ". (19659006) The President of Sohag University inspecting coordination laboratories (3) "src =" President-University-Sohag -inspect-coefficient-coordination- (3) (19659006) The President of Sohag University Inspecting Coordination Laboratories </span> </div>
<p dir=
  The President of the Sohag University Inspecting Coefficient of Coordination (4) [19659006] President of Sohag University Inspecting Coordination Laboratories

  President of Sohag University inspecting coordination factor (5) "src =" President - University (19659021) </p>
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<p>  The President of Sohag University Inspecting Coordination Laboratories </p>
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