Photos "The murder of his wife in the morning" .. Funeral of the wife of "Manar" Menoufia killed by her husband after the hours of intervention and the first pictures of her


She was not killed for 24 hours, but did not finish in the marital home. She was later found dead in her apartment. The incident shook Al-Monofiya today and the burial permit was issued in the hours that followed. His burial was majestic.

The prosecution stopped at day-to-day crime scene and found that she had been stabbed at the back of the neck and hit her head causing bleeding from her mouth and nose and that she was dead instantly.

The groom, aged 29, who works as a lawyer but was found with a window in the stomach, was in critical condition and security officials have not yet been able to 39; question. Until now, the bride stabbed and he beat her.

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The crime was discovered after the father of the bride and a group of parents went to their daughter's home to check on them in the morning, and the doors of the door did not answer, and returned to her home and were not not returned. Vselk's doubt on his heart and broke the door of the apartment to Lifeless.

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