"Planning" launches the website of the Egyptian Award for Government Excellence


The Ministry of Planning, Monitoring and Administrative Reform launched the website of the Egyptian Government Excellence Award www.egea.gov.eg in conjunction with the activities of the Conference. Excellency of the Egyptian Government 2018 organized by the Ministry of Planning in Cairo from July 3 to 4

Dr. Hala Al-Saeed, Minister of Planning, Monitoring and Administrative Reform, stated that the existence of Such a national award for government excellence would create a climate of competition. Positive and Effective Construction,

The Minister of Planning added that the Egyptian Award for Government Excellence includes two types of government excellence and excellence in all sectors of the country, as well as institutional competitiveness and team work at the individual and institutional level. These awards include the Awards of Excellence and the Individual Achievement Awards, in addition to the Corporate Achievement Awards, the Award of Excellence in Public Administration, the Outstanding Achievement Award. for service delivery and the Outstanding e-Services Award.

Hala Al Saeed said that the registration will be open in the coming days, with the deadline for registration and the application is June 1, 2019.

Registration will be done on the Government's Award of Excellence website, and anyone can view the terms and conditions of the nomination via the website. Prime Minister and Minister of Housing, Communities and Urban Communities, Dr. Mustafa Madbouli, officially launched the Egyptian Award for Government Excellence at the end of the second and final day of the Egyptian Conference on 39, government excellence. 19659006] (function () {
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