Police were pursuing the second suspect in the incident of the master "dog" … Masrawy


"He was laughing" .. Police suing a second suspect in the case of "dog" Sikka Bisifel


Friday, July 13, 2018

A police official stated that the second suspect had been charged with committing a minor badault on another person by using a dog in the Faisal area after the arrest of the main suspect.

The source added that the second defendant, Suleiman, a friend of the owner of the dog "Sayed Sika", 23, laughs under the instigation of "Sayed" to his dog, to abuse the young victim [19659005] One of the residents of the area confirmed the escape of the accused from his home The last hours, in addition to leaving his mother at home at her birthplace.

In turn, said an official security source in Giza, that "Sika" Q He was arrested in April during the crackdown on quality tires launched by the anti-drug sector of Giza, led by Major General Majid Adel in the Bulaq al-Dakrur region.

However, the 23-year-old defendant has re-posted on his Facebook personal page claiming to be proud of his ability to kill someone else.

Residents said in a phone call to Masrawi that the young man, Ahmed,

and users of social networking sites J-OMs video monitors on Thursday attack on a youth using another dog. The clip – no more than a minute and 17 seconds – sparked a wave of anger among Facebook executives, who launched a bitter attack on the young man on Facebook, demanding that the forces of order stop him quickly

He wears a green T-shirt and sportswear, "shame on you, sir … it's a tribute", amid the laughter of the dog owner's friends who prompted him to tear his clothes "and God did not equal the others"

and Twitter "in search of the owner of the video, until they reached his personal page, the result of the publication of the section – earlier – motivated by T. The last, but he quickly deleted the video and image of the page.

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