Precipitation kills 179 people in Japan


Kurochiki- Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe met Wednesday with evacuees from the stricken area of ​​western Japan, where at least 179 people were killed by floods and landslides caused by torrential rains.

Shinzo Abe, who canceled a tour in four countries, including Belgium and France, left Tokyo in the morning to fly over Okayama, one of the areas most affected by Hiroshima, and a different visit [19659003] He did not make a statement, but he spoke

In addition to the 179 people killed, the authorities declare that they have not received information about nine other residents, and the media are talking about more than 50 or 60 missing.

The spokesman of the executive power We must reconsider what the government can do to reduce the risks, "said Yoshihidi Suga at a press conference.

Thousands of victims were taken into refuges for authorities and other people were welcomed.

In the early morning, in one of the housing, a school gymnasium Okada Primary In Mabi district in Kurochiki , 20 to 30 people, mainly women and the elderly, were sitting or lying on the floor covered with mats.

Hundreds of others were abroad and were going to clean their homes. hall, air conditioners were installed at night because the outside heat exceeded 35 degrees.

Heroko Fukuda, 40, brought her home Friday night with only a few clothes.

The ground floor roadway was ripped off l on the ceiling and the cabinet was damaged and the carpets turned upside down

"We had pictures in a Japanese-style room on the ground floor". "We could give up household items, but we can not give up our memories, no, we will not take her pictures when she was in the house," she said. "It's a question that hurts me."

The government sent some 75,000 police, firefighters and self-defense forces (NPAs) and Coast Guard to rescue the victims.

During the day, research and cleaning work continued at a suffocating temperature, and this sunny day should last at least a week


The unprecedented rainfall in three days caused mbadive floods, landslides and other major damage that besieged a large number of people.

Fumiko Enochoshi, 61, "I saw my house sink in the water and I could not do anything at all, I felt helpless."

and lose firefighters who have The soldiers had all lost them, but the firefighters wanted to "make sure" that they were free of body or survivors.

large number of rescue vehicles arrived in this part of Kurashiki, the hardest hit.The effects of mud on the walls show that the water reached the first floors of the houses

The distribution of food products has was arrested properly, and dozens of supermarkets, generally open 24 hours a day, were destroyed.

"We are making efforts to send goods, water and basic materials to remote areas, but we need a lot of time to see the affected areas s return to normal, "said Yoshinobu Katsura, staff member of the Ehimei Branch. In shelters. "

In the areas that he built When buildings on the slopes of the mountains, landslides led to completely destroyed homes and entire neighborhoods covered by mud.

and issued a new order to evacuate a village in the Hiroshima region because of the danger caused by the flooding of the lake, as local authorities.It included twenty-five houses. (AFP)

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