President of the LTC: Mortada threatened me .. I will not allow his programs to me .. I fear God more than him


  Ahmed Sharif


Ahmed Sherif

Sunday, July 22, 2018

11:19 p.m.

SLTC channel director Samira al-Deghaidi confirmed that she would not allow the president of the Zamalek club to make special shows for her club via her channel screen.

Al-Deghidi said that she was receiving threats from Murtada Mansour.

The president of Zamalek had confirmed in previous statements that the Zamalek channel would be launched by the LTC channels and the event today, allocating certain hours for its programs.

Samira El-Deghidi: "Mortada Mansour once he knew we were going to contract with Nbader Zidane personally threatened and threatened to close the cbad."

And I finished: "I say this at once Because I feel hurt, he calmed down when he said that he wanted to shut down the cbad and thus lose the effort I had made in recent years "

" I thought, "Am I afraid of Murtada Mansour?"

She explained, "I send my message to the officials in Egypt, if Murtada Mansour has closed the channel, I realize that there is a state in the state and there are those who protect it and who are above the law. "In my voice, I will not allow the presence of Mortada Mansour because that there is another sports program presented by Abdel Nbader Zidan, and I will contact him for "[196900014] (function (d, s, id) {{196900014} {196900014] var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName (s) [0];
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