President Sisi meets Sultan Al-Bohra in India. And emphasizes: Relations are firm and historical


President Abdul Fattah al-Sissi received on Monday Sultan Mufaddal Saif al-Din, the Sultan of the Buhara Dynasty in India, accompanied by his brother Prince Qusay and Fathi al-Din and Prince Jafar al-Sadiq and Hbadan al-Buhara. Ambbadador Bbadam Rady, spokesman for the Presidency of the Republic, greeted the Sultan of Bouhra, affirming the deep historical relationship between Egypt and the Bharata community, its constant openness to all religions and sects and the deep conviction of dialogue among all the peoples of the world. And

The President also thanked Sultan Buhara for his efforts to succeed his father in the restoration of ancient mosques and temples of Al-Bayt in Egypt, as well as the activities of various charitable communities

The official spokesman, He praised the success and stability of Egypt under the chairmanship of the president, praised the freedom of Egypt to practice religious rituals and to ensure a a stable atmosphere for all, and recalled the efforts of the community to restore ancient mosques. Al Al Bait Mosques in Egypt, مشار

Sultan Mufaddal Saifuddin also emphasized the interest of the Buhara community to work and invest in Egypt, and expressed his vows to Egypt with all possible success in the implementation of economic projects.

Ambbadador Bbadam Rady explained that Sultan Al-Buhara has made a financial contribution to the Fund of Long Life of Egypt estimated at 10 million pounds . [19659006] [ad_2]
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