President: Strong desire to achieve the final results in the Regini case


Published on:
Wednesday, July 18, 2018 – 22:08
| Last update:
Wednesday, July 18, 2018 – 22:08

President Abdel-Fattah Al-Sisi today received the Italian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salveni, in the presence of Major-General Mahmoud Tawfiq, Minister of the Interior. Interior, Major General Abbas Kamel and the Ambbadador of Italy in Cairo. The President of the Republic stressed that the meeting was about ways to strengthen bilateral relations between the two countries, stressing the importance of strengthening cooperation between Egypt and Italy at different levels and to realize the strategic partnership between the two friendly countries.
The President also confirmed the desire and desire to lead to an investigation into the murder of Italian student Julio Regini and to the detection of the culprits in this case, underlining the desire of the court. Egypt to cooperate with the Italian authorities The official spokesman added that the meeting was an opportunity for an exchange of views and views on a number of international and regional issues of interest the latest developments in the Libyan case and illegal migration in the Mediterranean.
For his part, the Italian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Stressing the importance of existing cooperation between the two parties at different levels, especially in the field of economic relations , as well as the fight against terrorism and illegal immigration, stressing that Italy is organizing an international conference on the fight against terrorism and illegal migration And welcomed the cooperation of the Egyptian authorities in the case of the Assbadination of the Italian student Julio Regini to find the truth and the perpetrators of this crime.

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