Preventing the organization of Hamdeen for the Qatari pilgrimage continues to the series of its confusion


Citizen – Riyadh

The UAE Minister of Foreign Affairs, Anwar Gargash, pointed out that the persistence of the Hamdeen organization in Qatar to prevent Qataris from performing Hajj reflects a continuation of his confusion.

Gargash said in a series of Twitter tweets: "Whatever the reasons, it is difficult to understand the country's tendency to prevent its citizens from doing Hajj."

The UAE Minister added that the series of confusion and confusion in the management of the Doha system for his crisis is the result of his lack of trust in the citizen and to confirm that what Qatar wants is far from crisis.

He continued, "Why is the decision to perform Hajj not a personal decision of the Qatari citizen? Why is this decision politicized by intimidation and prevention? I find no reason for this only a lack of trust in the citizen and that if he is allowed to freely exercise his choice. "

Gargash pointed out that the practice of organizing Hamdeen on the performance of Qataris for the Hajj exposes the mismatch between the practice and the application of "state of the art opinion and other opinion", with reference to the logo of the satellite channel Al Jazeera.


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