Studies of more than 1,000 people have shown that people who eat processed meat are more likely to experience three and a half times the craze.
The British Daily Mail reports a study of Johns Hopkins University researchers on depressive craziness.
This condition is part of bipolar disorder, called "manic depression", the researchers found that nitrates are used to preserve processed meat and infect with bacteria, and confirmed that nitrate oxide is found higher in the blood of people with bipolar disorder [1"L'étudepeutrévélerdesinterventionsdiététiquespouraideràréduirelerisqued'épisodesobsessionnelscompulsifschezlespersonnesatteintesdetroublebipolaireouquisontsujettesàdesépisodesmaniaques"adéclaréleDrRobertYulkindel'écoledemédecinedel'UniversitéJohnsHopkinsLeseffetsdesnitratesontétéajoutésauxrepasdesratbadpérimentauxentraînantagitationinsomnieethyperactivitéaprèsdessemainesd'experimentation[19659004] (function (d, s, id) {
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