Procurement: Millions wait to add newborns to cards and the government will announce checks


Dr. Ahmed Kamal, deputy minister of supply and official spokesman for the ministry, said that 20 million smart cards benefit 69 million under the umbrella of support, which includes bread and rationing goods, noting that the supply offices, National Service.

With regard to the delay of transfer of cards from one province to another, the official spokesperson of the Department of Supply revealed during an interview on Extra News that the time to transfer cards from one province to another is 48 hours.

Regarding the transfer of paper cards to the smart, he said: "The citizen must make a request to the Ministry of Supply and is sent to the Ministry of Military Production in coordination with the companies who implement smart cards Supply and delivery to citizens. "

The spokesman for the Ministry of Supply said that procurement offices are putting in place control mechanisms and the regulatory framework for newborns, especially for the poorest families. In the existence of ongoing coordination between the Ministry of Supply and Finance in this regard, because the addition of births expected by millions, and will be announced implementation controls across the Council of Ministers.

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