Progress in the results of the drug "Ambuco" against AIDS



Researchers have made encouraging progress in the fight against HIV with an experimental vaccine, triggering an immune response in those tested and infected with monkey fever.

Research on this safe drug is progressing, it has been possible to launch a pilot campaign on 2,600 women in southern Africa. "These results are a milestone," said virologist Dan Barosch, the study's supervisor, in a statement in The Lancet.

In previous tests, the vaccine administered to a monkey accounted for two-thirds of the virus. The results of the major test, known as Imbuku (Zulu rock in South Africa), should be published between 2021 and 2022.

"This will be the fifth HIV vaccine tested in the world." 39, history of this disease, which was discovered 35 years ago, "said Baroch. An old drug called RIV 144 has shown that it protects people from HIV infection in some cases.

In 2009, a study showed that it reduced the risk of infection from 31.2% to 16,000 volunteers in Thailand. The new drug was administered to 393 healthy adults aged 18 to 58 in eastern and southern Africa, Thailand and the United States. The drug is a compound of different types of HIV if injected into the body does not lead to infection, but to stimulate the immune system, according to Barock. "We can not talk about the importance of an HIV vaccine," says François Fonte, a researcher at the University of Witwatersrand in South Africa. "But we have already seen promising experimental structures, but they have not really become vaccines." "This may not be the final drug, but it can make great strides," said Jean-Daniel Loulever, a researcher at the French National Institute for AIDS Research. "

The number of people living with HIV in the world is 37 million, according to the World Health Organization, and this number is increasing by one million and 800,000 per year For this news, please report in the results of the drug "Ambuku" against AIDS Please let us know or leave a comment below
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