Rahma Hassan apologizes for his graphic images and justifies its publication for this reason!


  Rahma Hbadan apologizes for his graphic images and justifies its publication for this reason!
Rahma Hbadan apologizes for his graphic images and justifies its publication for this reason!

Rahma Hbadan apologizes for his graphic images and justifies its publication for this reason! The Charter, quoting Nour, we publish a witness … Rahma Hbadan apologizes for his graphic images and justifies its publication for this reason! … Rahma Hbadan apologizes for her graphic images and justifies its publication for this reason! Rahma Hbadan apologizes for his graphic images and justifies its publication for this reason!

<img width = "930" height = "700" clbad = "entry-thumb lazyload" src = "https://www.elmethaq.net/content/uploads/2018/07/15/1926211786.jpg" alt = "Rahma Hbadan" Rahma Hbadan apologizes for his graphic images and justifies its publication for this reason! "

The Rahma Hbadan Charter presented a video through her account on the Instagram site, which she tries to justify its publication.For a bold and semi-bad photography session, noting that she is a personal photo during a trip with his friends.

Rahma, who deleted the photos from her account after she was angry She said that she showed the photos after that. They spread themselves on the communication sites a few hours before they were stolen from the account of her friend, the photographer Salma Al-Kashef.

Rahma commented the video saying, "He It is important to apologize for having presented this image that I do not blame for having published the photo. "I stole Salma al-Kashef and it is a violin of guilt." [19659008]Thank you for having followed us. And to transfer news from all sources of information and facilitate your reading. Do not forget the IK work for our Facebook page and follow the latest news on Twitter. Greetings with the Family Charter website.
The Charter, See … Rahma Hbadan apologizes for his graphic images and justifies its publication for this reason! Follow us on the social networking sites of our site to receive new news regularly.


  Suhail Al Mansouri

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