Raising 50 tons of waste in a clean campaign


Governor of Sohag: Lifting of 50 tons of waste in a campaign in Jahineh

11:42 p

Thursday, July 19th, 2018

Sohag – Ammar Abdel Wahed:

Dr. Ayman Abdel Moneim, governor of Sohag, announced Thursday that he had raised 50 tons of garbage and solid waste during a major campaign at the Juhayna Center


Eng Hazem Abulkhair, head of the local unit of the center and city of Juhayna, explained that the local unit has launched a major clean-up campaign that began by raising dust and debris accumulated on both sides of the roads, Bally

He pointed out that the trees were cut and pruned in front of the Gamal al-Ghitani School Complex, Irrigation Engineering Street, the Shuhada Street entrance cleaner and the road. irrigation engineering from the intersection Sheikh Tamer to the new police station. .

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