Referral of Dirmwas Hospital Director's Office Director to Disciplinary Tribunal


Maher Abdel Sabour

Published on:
Monday, July 9, 2018 – 7:57 pm
| Last update:
Monday, July 9, 2018 – 7:57 pm

Councilor Mahmoud al-Amir, head of administrative prosecutions at Dirmawas al-Minya, ordered the transfer of Suifi. H. The director of the office of the director of the former central hospital of Dirmawas, for an urgent disciplinary trial, to take over the salaries and financial expenses of a hospital doctor in the case no. 129 of 2017.

The prosecution had received a complaint. Mr. A doctor, resident of the hospital, was injured by seizure of his salary and his financial contributions with a CD-ROM showing all the withdrawals made by the doctor's gold card and showing that the accused made all disbursements made with the complainant's card. The complaint was lodged by the Disciplinary Committee of the Disciplinary Branch of Menya, chaired by Nbader Ibrahim, Vice-President of the Commission, to punish Suwefi. H. P. 45, from his salary and punish the others by deducting 15 days from their wages and recovering all the sums seized by the accused.

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