Renewal of the detention of the head of the customs authority and two defendants 15 days in a bribery case


The opposition judge has decided to renew the detention of the head of the customs authority, Gamal Abdel Azim, and two other defendants for 15 days pending the investigations of the prosecutor of the security of the State on corruption allegations.

Attorney General Nabil Ahmed Sadiq, Jamal al-Azim, 4 days in the investigation of a charge and a bribe for breach of public office

The Supreme Attorney of State Security has opened a thorough investigation into the accusation of corruption and corruption. It is forbidden to import them without payment of fees

The Prosecution also decided to imprison Rashi and the Mediator, charged in the case for 4 days in the investigation, and the has charged to bribe the head of the Customs Authority and to negotiate corruption.

Customs are accused of bribes in local and foreign currency, as well as bribery of certain customs officers against the smuggling of prohibited goods, without payment of customs duties, and to prepare contrary minutes to reality. Smugglers.

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