Restoration offices start tomorrow by adding new births with cards


Procurement offices begin at the provincial level on Wednesday and for 3 months, receiving citizens to start adding new children to the ration cards, provided that the number of births to be added to the ration card is of 3 individuals.

Dr Ali al-Meselhi, Minister of Supply, issued a ministerial directive, and singled out the "seventh day" to publish it on the categories eligible for the addition of new births and the holders of annuity cards , Sadat, Mubarak, Takaful, People with Special and Chronic Needs, Minors without a Family Support or Fixed Income, and Temporary Seasonal Jobs as part of a social research with a maximum income of 2000 lbs.

The decision also included the addition of births to retirees working in government, the business sector or the private sector with a maximum monthly income of 2,000 pounds, as well as government employees or public or private companies insured with a maximum monthly income of 2500 pounds. One or more employees from each procurement office receive benefits from citizens who wish to add their valid cards up to the date of service, without errors and according to previous determinations accompanied by a social research or by A certificate showing the income and a copy of the national identity card. Being born in the ministerial resolution.



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