Risk of hypotension in pregnancy Health and Beauty Saraya News Agency


Saraya – You should measure your blood pressure regularly during pregnancy – the numbers will tell you a lot about your health and your pregnancy path. If the pressure is above 140/90 or below 100/60, it's time to see a doctor.

According to a widely held opinion, hypotension is the guarantee of a long life because the heart does not "flow" quickly. This is true, because hypertension is much more dangerous – in comparison with low blood pressure, where hypotension is not a serious health problem. In fact, hypotension does not affect your daily life much. However, hypotension during pregnancy brings a lot of unpleasant feelings.

Risk of hypotension during pregnancy
In addition to common discomfort, hypotension during pregnancy leads to slow blood circulation, and the fetus to oxygen. Low blood volume directly into the uterus is badociated with various fetal development problems as well as complications during delivery.

In case of poor blood circulation in the placenta, the main source of oxygen and nutrients for the child, an incomplete placenta may appear. The worst thing that happens in such a situation is the abortion in the next stages of pregnancy. If hypotension persists during pregnancy without treatment, at the end of pregnancy, it can cause pre-eclampsia, a severe acid metabolism that causes dysfunction of the internal organs of the pregnant woman.

Degradation of children's health. Another potential risk is hypotension, which causes vertigo during pregnancy: The baby may die if the mother loses consciousness and hits the stomach strongly after falling.

Signs and Symptoms of Hypotension in Pregnancy
Hypotension in pregnancy worsens morning sickness. The safest way to diagnose low blood pressure during pregnancy is to measure it regularly. Signs and symptoms of hypotension may include:

– Weakness and Fatigue
– Weak Activity
– Drowsiness for no reason
– Tinnitus in the ears

– Increased heart rate
– Headache and Dizziness

Causes of High Blood Pressure in Pregnant Women
You may experience low blood pressure during pregnancy for the following reasons:
– Nerve Pressure

] – A serious infection
– Heart disease
– Various infections
– Serious blood loss
– Severe drought

How to increase blood pressure
First, The medications commonly prescribed for the treatment of hypotension have contraindications and should not be taken during pregnancy. It increases blood pressure because of the narrowing of the blood vessels, which means that your child will not have enough nutrients and oxygen. Some of these drugs, which are completely safe for non-pregnant women, can cause birth defects in the child.

If you have low blood pressure during pregnancy, you can try to restore it to normal without taking any medicine. There are several ways to help you:

– Do not wake up immediately after waking up. A sudden change in the position of your body can cause dizziness and nausea.
– Put snacks on the bedside table – biscuits, dried fruits. Eat something before waking up.
– If you feel nauseous because of low blood pressure during pregnancy, lie down and lift your feet on a pillow. This is an effective way to help – the blood will rush to the upper body and add oxygen to your brain. This is also a good preventive measure against varicose veins.
– You will have to do moderate physical activity: Exercise will help pregnant women.
– Take a different shower and finish with cold water.

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