Robbie resumes shooting "Aho De Laila" next week


Here are the details of this story Robbie resumes the shooting of "Ahu De Li Sar" next week

Ruby will resume his scenes from the series "Aho De Li Sar" next week, postponed from the last race of Ramadan .

Robbie appears in work events with 3 faces and is just starting out as a journalist working for a newspaper, and discover a great secret about one of the old palaces, and trying to pick him up and his story and regret In the events of his story and then go back to his time, and in the third stage, Ruby embodies a married high school girl and has two daughters before spreading to the country where the epidemic and officials are trying to warn of the epidemic.The series "Aho de Li Sari"

Thank you for visiting our website today and if you have any questions about this news, Ruby will resume the filming of "Ahooh". Next week "please let us know or leave a comment below
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