Russian company develops "space" anti-Earth protection


News of the day Monday, July 2, 2018 23:22, the news of "the Russian enterprise develops antiviral" space "to protect the earth", our dear visitors in all regions of the Arab world, we offer you dear fans the news of today "Society Russia has developed" space "antipersonnels to protect the Earth, which has been transformed without changing the content of the news, and without writing anything in the newspapers, it aims to to divert the continental and Arab citizen from the truth always sought.The most important news today, which is titled "" was exposed between your hand dear continental Arabic through our site m [Russie] A Russian company develops "Spatial" antipersonnel agents to protect the Earth

Today, Monday 2 July 2018 23:22, Technologies to protect our planet from dangerous asteroids and meteoroids that p We could fall on Earth, Vladimir Rogachev, deputy director of the Laser Lasers Institute of the Russian Federal Nuclear Energy Center, said: "Our studies are a way to detect, identify, clbadify and monitor asteroids, then to design an atomic bomb and a missile.

Rogachev added that nuclear center experts have fabricated a synthetic model of "cornedrite" as the most common types of stone meteorites, which usually fall to the ground. Calculations have shown that a 200-meter stone meteorite could pose a major threat to our planet if it collides with the Earth. In this case, one must fire a missile before it hits the ground a month, then break it into fragments that burn in the atmosphere.

The Tungoska meteorite, which fell on Earth for 110 years on June 30, 1908, in the Tongoska River area of ​​eastern Siberia, exploded at a luminosity of 7-10 kilometers above the surface of the earth.

The explosion is estimated at 40-50 megatonnes, which means that the diameter was half or less 3 times that of a meteoroid or an asteroid of 200 meters. To destroy it, a nuclear explosion capacity of 10 times the energy needed to destroy a meteorite of 200 meters is necessary. If humanity had then possessed the technology to destroy the great meteorites, it would have destroyed it.

Source: TASS

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Source: RT Arabic

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