Sama al-Masri ignites a "strangulation" between Bossi Shalaby and Fajr Al-Said on Instagram


Hadeer Shaarawi

The artist Sama Al-Masri launched a sharp attack on the media Boussi Shalabi after the quarrel that took place between her and the Kuwaiti writer Fajr Al-Said on the media .

Sama al-Masri, the image of "Askerine Shout", posted on his personal account "Instagram" the site for comments.After the media published a new picture of her at the expense of her new look, "Which provoked Bossi, who responded quickly, saying," Your aunt. "

Sama Al-Masri commented:" On the idea of ​​a bosi, I will have a block of wats and an instagram, because there are six scarves to six faces that are not made of plaster and stethoscope. "

And Sama continued," A defect that requires Boussi Shalabi Ayyib, Delocti rests Ttriki and your tongue at the dawn of the Kuwaiti writer Al -Said, the people of Kuwait to dissuade people and Glory to you, Glory to God before my eyes and I eat a noble woman at her house and the best of you "

She added:" From Fajr Yama travels to her account and Yama Aztec to Kuwait for concerts and festivals on her behalf at her expense, Deloitte why the world was based on it, as she said her opinion in Najla Fathi Bqq, "

She said, "And the great God blew the glad legs of you, the center of Melosh Ghali and Aziz, and Yamama served you Enti and Fifi Ab do and inspiration Shaheen and Hala Sedqi and people from the center of the first mating. Bossi Inti and Inspiration … God is merciful to the gifts you have been waiting for at the dawn of the happy dawn of the holidays. "

She concluded by saying:" God has committed the fault of the love of Egypt, the world is rotational and inventive, O Possi When your trip to the singer blew my dreams and that I ate and salted in front of me, God revealed my wedding attire in the media and art media. God Yafer. "

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