Samsung challenges Apple .. The leaks reveal the characteristics of the Galaxy "S10"


Regions – Agencies

New leaks revealed that Samsung will launch its new Galaxy S-10 of more than one size, to expand the range of options for users, according to the site " Mashabel ", Wednesday. The next Galaxy S-10 phone is likely to come in 3 sizes: 5.8, 6.1 and 6.4 inches.

If these leaks are true, it would be a good reason for Apple to launch more option for users this fall.

Apple is expected to launch three new phones in the fourth quarter of this year, and technology experts expect the company to introduce two smaller models, in addition to a slightly larger third tall of 6.5 inches

. Smaller versions are slightly cheaper, but they will lack some features.

The Galaxy S10 will come with a fingerprint reader Technology, which has become a major competition between phone manufacturers in recent years.

The leaks ruled out that the new Samsung phone, which is expected to be launched this week this spring, facial recognition technology, a feature guaranteed by another Apple

Samsung will probably launch "Notot 9" in August, and the phone will have a design similar to that of the model of last year, with a fingerprint sensor at the back

News | Saudi Arabia: Samsung defies Apple .. The leaks reveal the characteristics of the Galaxy "S10" – You can see the source of the original news of the link below: Al-Azhar and disclaims the responsibility of the full news content site, but the responsibility lies with the original publisher. [ad_2]
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