Samsung implements anti-rupture screens …


  Samsung executes broken screens ... Video
Samsung executes broken screens … Video

Samsung executes broken screens … Video Al-Wasat Journal Khobar Trading Norte As we strive we are Team of your distinguished newspaper and always sparkling between sites Social networking to bring you all the events moment by moment, because we care about the latest news "Arab and International", and we also care about the latest Arab issues Samsung puts up break-resistant screens … Video, Samsung sets up screens … And we hope that the work of Ea Samsung has announced its development of shock-resistant OLED displays for devices and smartphones .

On its official website, Samsung reported that tests showed that these screens are capable of carrying more than 26 frames of 1.2 meters, which is the greatest durability of the new glbad "Gorilla Glbad 6" for protection smart phone screens, which carries 15 consecutive drops of one meter.


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  Margie Joseph

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