Samsung's next smart speaker will arrive in a few weeks and will cost around $ 300


Samsung's smart speaker will arrive in a few weeks, and will cost about $ 300, according to an email that brings you the Al Wasat's news site containing the smart speaker's news Samsung will arrive in a few weeks, and will cost around $ 300.

This is not the first time we hear about the new Samsung Smartphone powered by Bixby, it has been repeated many times in the past that Samsung is working on its own smart speaker, which aims to compete with Amazon's Amazon Echo D & # 39; Amazon and Google Home speakers. As we have said, a recent Wall Street Journal report indicates that the Samsung smartphone will arrive in a few weeks. While the report gives us an idea of ​​the cost of this device, and what things will be able to do.

Samsung's Al-Wasat newspaper has already proved that it would launch its own smart speaker in the second half of 2018. We are in the second half of this year, and if we believe what the Wall Street Journal reported, The launch date is not far off.

The report states that it will be a bowl-shaped device with legs at the bottom and a bright LED lamp. Samsung will market it as a high-end music player with smart features on the Apple HomePod smart speaker. The audio conversion function will also be one of the built-in features of this unit. This feature is designed to direct the sound to the person who gives the voice command.

The report also claims that Samsung's next smart speaker will cost around $ 300. This will put it in more direct competition with high-end speakers such as HomePod and Google Home Max instead of the Amazon Echo speakers on the market at much lower prices. This smart speaker should be unveiled alongside Galaxy Note 9 on August 9th.


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Source: Electronic

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