Saudi Arabia intercepts a ballistic missile fired by the Houthis on Jazan


Royal Saudi Air Force (RAF) intercepted a ballistic missile fired by the Iranian Huthi militia into the territory of the kingdom, according to Colonel Turki al-Maliki, spokesman for the coalition forces in Yemen

. The Alliance's air defense forces spotted the launch of a ballistic missile by the Iranian Houthi militia of the Yemeni province of Amran towards the Kingdom territory.

Colonel al-Maliki stated that the missile was directed towards "Jazan" and deliberately And confirmed that this hostile act of the Houthi terrorist militia of Iran proves the continued involvement of the Iranian regime in the support for Houthi armed militias with qualitative capabilities by clearly and explicitly defying UN resolutions 2216/2231 / in order to threaten the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's security and regional and international security. He pointed out that the firing of ballistic missiles at populated cities and villages is contrary to international and humanitarian law.

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