Saudi Arabia stands ready to establish cooperative relations between Arab countries and Iran


The Permanent Representative of Saudi Arabia to the United Nations, Abdullah bin Yahya Al-Maalami, affirmed "Riyadh's willingness to establish cooperative relations between Arab countries and Iran", noting that "these relations must be based on the principle of good neighborliness and non-interference in the internal affairs of countries Respect for its sovereignty".

"Iran's persistent negative behavior in the region will only undermine international peace and security." The clear and explicit support of the Houthis has become a threat to regional security, the international maritime movement and a threat to the international community. civilians in the region ".

He stressed that "the threat of the Iranian government to close the Strait of Hormuz and to continue to attack and arrest merchant vessels is incumbent upon the Security Council to stand firm and carry out its tasks. and maintain international peace and security, "noting that" we seek to restore security and stability in the region ", the only real way is to respect all countries in the region for the principles of good neighborliness, to refrain from the use of force, to interfere in the internal affairs of States and to violate their sovereignty ", pointing out that Tehran's behavior in the region is in contradiction with these principles and undermines the requirements of trust.

"The continued support of Huthis backed by Iran to expand and control the state seals in Sanaa for the fifth year in a row has created a focal point in the region that encompbades terrorist acts," she said. he declared. "Ansar Allah continues to use humanitarian resources and badistance.The international community is a weapon for its" illegitimate "negotiations, which do not concern the Yemeni people and their basic needs."

This article is the following: "Saudi Arabia is ready to establish cooperative relations between the Arab countries and Iran", quoted by the website Balad News and quoted from the bulletin's website (Lebanon) , and in no way reflects the site's policy or point of view. On the source of the original newsletter (Lebanon).

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